Hose assembly pressure test procedure

Hose assembly pressure test procedure

The testing procedure for a hose assembly will vary depending on the specific type of hose and application it is being used for. In general, however, the following steps may be involved in testing a hose assembly.

  1. Visual Inspection: A visual inspection of a hose should be performed to ensure that it is free from any obvious defects or damage, such as cuts, cracks, or kinks.
  2. Pressure testing: The hose is usually pressure tested to a set ratio (depending on standard and safety factor) of its working pressure to ensure that it can withstand the pressure it will be subjected to in its intended application.
  3. Leak testing: The hose should be checked for leaks by pressurizing the hose and checking for any signs of leakage, such as bubbles or drips.
  4. Test Certification: Once the hose has completed the pressure test, certification should be provided based on the results achieved in the pressure test.

Check out our range of hose test rigs at https://abdex.com/product-category/uniflex-machinery/

There is more emphasis than ever to perform pressure tests on hose assemblies in industries such as industrial or hydraulic, when they are new, and periodically during their operation to ensure they meet the highest quality and safety standards. New hoses must be tested to verify their compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications and industry standards. Periodic testing (retesting) during operation is also necessary to detect any potential issues, such as wear and tear, and to ensure that the hoses continue to function at optimal levels. This regular testing is crucial in safeguarding the performance and longevity of hoses preventing unexpected failures and costly downtime and helping to ensure the safety of the personnel and equipment.

At Abdex, we have a deep understanding and expertise in high-pressure hose testing and certification. We recognise that the testing protocols can vary depending on the specific type of hose assembly and application. We are diligent in adhering o the manufacturer’s recommended procedures to ensure the integrity and safety of the hoses we certify. We offer a range of testing options, including data-logged test certificates from NATA-accredited high-pressure test rigs and DNV-witnessed tests, to meet the most demanding requirements.

Our hose assemblies can be NATA tested for up to 5000 bar and undergo hydrostatic testing in our ISO 17025-certified laboratory. We are also equipped to perform tests with medical-grade air in cases where cleanliness is paramount, such as in Air Breathing or Pharmaceutical assemblies.

If you require any more information about hose testing contact an expert at Abdex today at https://abdex.com/contact/